UNISA (Department of Industrial Engineering)

The Department of Industrial Engineering (DIIn) of the University of Salerno (UNISA) was born in 2011 by the merger into a single department of professors and researchers coming from Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Chemical and Food Engineering, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, with the aim to promote interactions between industrial companies and different areas of engineering sciences.
Vittoria Vittoria, head of Chemistry for Technology research group, is the UNISA partner responsible, and Dr Loredana Tammaro the collaborator involved in the project. The expertise of the research group is in polymer chemistry and technology. A recent interesting feature of their research is focused on the preparation of non-woven membranes of micro and nano-fibers characterized by high surface-to-volume ratio using electrospinning. This technique has been demonstrated as a successful tool to produce scaffolds suitable as materials having desirable and controllable properties for tissue engineering and drug delivery.
The group will contribute in the ArtiVasc 3D project by taking part in material and process development WP2, WP4, WP7 and WP8.