Medical University Vienna (MUW)

The Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Department of Surgery, Medical University Vienna is the largest Plastic Surgical Division in Austria. They are running the largest Burn Center in Austria and the only Skin Bank in Austria. One of the main focus concerning research is Burns and Tissue Engineering of skin and fatty tissue.
The Medical University Vienna is not only the largest medical organisation in Austria, it is also one of the most important top-level research institutions in Europe and provides Europe's largest hospital, the AKH in Vienna, with all of its medical staff. As one of the largest research centres in Europe, MedUni Vienna concentrates on a total of four Researchclusters and five Clinical Fields of research.
Our tasks in the project are:
- Development of a standard protocol for in vitro adipocyte tissue engineering
- Characterisation of receptors and pathways in adipocytes and fibroblasts induced by matrix-tissue interaction
- Inclusion of endothelialised vascular systems into functional fatty tissue
- Immunohistochemical stainings for characterizing adipocytes and fibroblasts
- Assessment of cell distribution and viability in the scaffold